Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Assalamualaikum....and good's 0827hr and i've already wake up....waiting for my class at 1100.

First thing first...about the hottest film in town now...CINTA....i've watched it 2 times....on sunday 10 Dec and tuesday 12 Dec...komen??.....hmmmm.....i dare not to giv any comments la coz u can see it for yourself kan....betapa movie tu dpt sambutan...everyday sure ramai gile or SOLD OUT!! so??? for those yang x tgk lg tuh...what r u waiting for?? pergi lah menonton bersama yang tersayang....x kesah la makwe, pakwe, member2, adik, kakak, abang, adik ipar, ex-gf, ex-bf, long lost love, mak, bapak, atuk, nenek, sume bole!!! hahhahahhah...seriusli worth it!!

Thanx to Beha for spending ur time wif me on 12 was a perfect day!
Thanx to Kema, Intan, Kumei for ur time on 10 Dec...
Thanx to Azam sbb bagi pinjam keta...serius beb i owe u big one!!

Here's a latest buzz for u all....kpd semua peminat BUTTERFINGERS...nantikan kemunculan mereka pada 6 Januari 2007 utk sesi unplugged....dan 13 Januari 2007 utk Butter Worth Pushful Showcase....lokasi dan maklumat2 lain tu akan diberitahu be prepared!!

Rock The World 7 is just around the corner...lagi 3 hari i'll be reviewing about the event in my next post here....til then...bye!

"Kalau kita nak....mesti ada cara kan?"
Petikan daripada filem CINTA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...