Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Sky Is Falling...

It's a sunny Wednesday...nice weather outside (i must enjoy this sunshine b4 the whole sky is covered by's monsoon season)

well...come to think bout music...bout the scene...i must admit that we're all here are much lack behind from others...or should i say...outsiders...let's make a little comparison with Europe shall we :

Architecture - lack 20 years
Movies - lack 10 years or more
Music ??? well..let's not compare it with Europe...just take Indonesia as another body...i must admit that we're lack about 100 years from them (???)

Now the matter is a big WHY...why we're so left behind?? why can't we do it like them?? why can't we create our own masterpiece?? i got a few reason here :

  1. Budaya terikut-ikut - yes it's true my friends...we're soooo crazy bout ikut2 orang...follow golongan purist yang seboleh2 tak nak muzik tu evolve...nk kekalkan originality lah konon...tak kire lah mainstream, underground,or tradisional...terlampau nk mintak approval drpd orang2 otai dluh b4 buat sumthin...golongan yg melampau ni la yang membantutkan evolusi muzik tu seniri...kalian setuju?
  2. Budaya tangguk - x dinafikan...aku tangguk kat kat universiti (hehehe)....but when it comes to music...aku nampak orang kite menangguk tak hengat!! see...if somebody or some bands out there main muzik same cam certain2 bands...let's say...macam Nirvana la...sume orang sanjung...sume orang ckp "Ini la Nirvana Malaysia!" bile ade band yg ubah sket muzik Grunge tuh ke level yg lebih tinggi...orang akan cakap "Ini Nirvana tak jadi!!"'s the same wif nowadays Indon-Fever...sume orang dah jadi bodo....asal band Indon je...tros jalaannn....kasi tabik baeekk punya.....i must admit dat ade band Indon yang btul2 bagus macam Dewa19 n Padi...but some of them are just RUBBISH!!! actually diorang pun copycat gak....try study sket pasal muzik diorang ngan band2 old-school dulu from US or Europe....mesti ade nampak kesamaan yang ketara
Dulu kalo x silap aku M.Nasir pnah kutuk artis2 yg perform kat Juara Lagu (in this one particular year) buat persembahan yang primitif...lalu mcm biase...sume org melenting x hengat!! tp bile dipikirkan balik...btul gak ape yg M.Nasir cakap...mmg primitif...dok dalam gua seniri...tanak kuar...tanak explore...tanak evolve

Why don't we change a lil bit?? Why don't we start to make our own trademarks?? Kenapa kite xleh appreciate local music kite seniri?? Dalam hal nih aku blh jadikan Butterfingers sbg contoh....they came from Grunge image...Grunge music...then slowly they evolve n now on their 5th studio album, they started experimenting with Malay lyrics but in various arrangement. Actually they already did it since their 1st album. Songs like Royal Jelly (the violin intro), Chrome (the 'sempoi' gitar version of Ikan Kekek)...then in Transcendence they did it again wif the song Epitome (taken from Ketipang Payung)...n after that came Malayneum, the song Malayneum itself has very very high Malay flavour in it! That's how we gonna work it out...Butterfingers has set the standard...they know Grunge well before others know it (people always refer Grunge as Nirvana n not more than that...they are bloody wrong!!).....i'll write bout Grunge next time...heheheh

That's all for now, kasi banyak2 pun x guna. Try la digest one by one, Al-Quran pun turun ayat demi ayat kan??

Peace, Love, Empathy


Najwan Halimi said...

nice one bro!

keep it up.

aku rasa baik kau jadikan blog kau ni spesifik utk muzik dan seni!

buat research n tulis kat sini.aku rasa sure ramai yg suka.

faizal said...

aku sokong ckp najwan tu..
aku tgk ko dah ade kesedaran terhadap muzik.
keep it up..aku sentiasa menyokong perjuangan ko itu..heheh..;)