Living in the middle is hard you know. At one time u feel that u r all alone in this world, nobody seems to care and no one around u anymore. Then there will be time when u feel like everybody needs u..like damn need u! By that time u will feel that the world is moving around u and u don't have to walk coz everything will come across u while it's moving. Then it will stop again, and u have to walk or run or swim or fly or whatever to keep ur point of view of "things are moving".
This is me i think. I walk thru people every now and then. Some of them might recognize me and some might not. I see their lives like reading a storybook or comics or journals. Sometimes in this journey, people would call me for help or just wanna have a chat or wanna make friends temporarily. I'm ok with it coz at least i can take a little rest and let the world moving around me for a while....and after that it just goes on and on...the world will stop moving and i will walk again until the next call.
If let's say i can be the 8th of The Endless, what name should i bear?